Excellent article, a profound message.

I was quite caught by the quote by the unnamed journalist, "“A change has come over our democracy. It is called consumptionism. The American citizen’s first importance to his country is now no longer that of citizen but that of consumer." Arrgh!!!

So I researched. Those exact words are in wide circulation. They are an accurate synopsis of an article by Samuel Strauss in the November 1924 issue of The Atlantic magazine, "Things are in the Saddle," now online at www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1924/11/things-are-in-the-saddle/648025/

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November 1924….100 years ago. 100 times more true today perhaps?

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Wow, God is on the move. His Love is just crashing through - drawing us away, weaning us from, lifting us up. This encourages me so .... Christianity has co-opted too much of the world, from the sheer reality that we spend so much time IN the world and are hence more discipled by it... we have to begin by noticing what shapes us and drives us to dismantle this false and undignified identity as a consumer (which has vast implications for how we think about and do life). So good. Thank you!

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Loved this article! It reminds me of some of older writings: Brother Lawrence's "Practice of the Presence of God" and Frank Laubach's "Game with Minutes." (Frank C. Laubach, Game with Minutes. Fleming H. Revell Company: Westwood, NJ. 1953. This edition from Christ Liveth in Me and Game with Minutes, 1961.) Both are written from quite different perspectives and expressed in older (and at times more bluntly "practical" language) but espouse this same glorious idea -- that being with God should be the primary goal of our existence, that everything else flows from this. Thanks Strahan for bringing this into the "now" of 2023 Christianity.

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Incredible article Strahan, thank you for sharing. In such a “striving” culture, what a powerful reminder it gave to pause and reorient our relationship with Jesus by fixing our eyes on His beauty. I loved this phrase, “to behold God is simply to turn the awareness of our heart toward him in every moment and be present to him.” Everything falls and life flows how it is meant to when we do this🙏🏻

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Delicious writing and so on point

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This is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

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So much deep truth in being held, beholding, being beheld. Thank you for naming and exploring ... so that we can all keep learning to rest.

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Love!! Thanks for sharing your journey with us. And pointing us to God, who captivates us all the time. And learning to still our hearts and minds so we can behold Him because He is so worthy!

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“Working for my parents made me their employee, but the formality of that title was always subverted by the intimacy of our family.”

My favorite line! This was such a good balance between convicting and encouraging. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this and can’t wait to hear more from him on here!

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Very good. Both health issues and thoughts resonate with me. (For me 15 years of brain tumors.) Thank you for making this available.

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Wow! I also have been having health problems for a decade which have caused me to dig deeply into seeking what God considers a "successful" Christian life. I used to think I was supposed to do something "great" for Him and that was my purpose. But His call has been "abide." He helps me obey by limiting the other things I can do. I also have seen our need to focus on the first commandment over the great commission as the fuel for all our other work. Jesus DID say that we were to abide and "apart from Me you can do nothing." Thank you for sharing!

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