Some people imagine God creating the world with a command, others with a song, but for me, it was a poem that formed out of His breath.

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Yes. Beautiful.

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I love your thoughts! May I share them with my friend who teaches poetry at a small Christian college in Southern Oregon?

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Hi Debi! I just saw this comment but absolutely—you're welcome to share!

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Just wanted to tell you-she absolutely loved it!!

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Thank you Hallie for these wonderful words. It spoke to some unarticulated parts of me, some thoughts, musings I've had in the past but had not organised themselves into logic yet, and it also surprised me with new insight that I will definitely return to! I look forwarding to reading more of your work!

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Thank you so much for reading, Anjola! Glad to connect with you here.

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Stunning imagery. A beautiful work

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Awesome words wondrously and perfectly arranged. Thanks to God and Callie for the revealings! 🙏

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Beautifully written and spot on. Thank you. "Metaphor is pre-logic." Yes. "Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood." Yes! Both for the reader and the poet! "my favorite poems arrive as if I've always known them." Yes and amen.

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From one poet to another, this is a stunning essay.

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