I can't put together how it is that I have been "sent" this missive at "such a time as this." I read each word while pressing through tears. To have this truth come to me into the place it found me is proof that what Mr. Pastor writes IS doing the thing proclaimed. I have carried this message in me in some fragmented condition, I have wanted it to be true & not just an optimism that keeps me out of a creative paralysis that seeks to steal momentum as I "work" to deliver beauty & hope into my bean field. Thank you for this encouragement & hope. I have been spurred on. The intersections between my reality & this balm astound me. I am so grateful.

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Those are the most beautiful and encouraging words I have read in a long time (and I read a lot). So grateful.

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The imagery of feasting, as a weapon against the Wrong, is empowering. I have never read that verse in Psalm 23 in that light. I grew up in a denomination (anabaptist) that referred to communion as a Love Feast. The idea that the appreciation of beauty, in art, nature, and normal humanness, (no matter how small) is pushback against the Enemy, is beautiful!! Thanks again for this thought provoking essay.

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Yes, yes, yes, yes and YES!!!!! Bless you for writing this!! I have long loved the idea of feasting and somewhere deep within me understood it in this way though I have never (and would have never) been able to articulate in this amazingly clear and compelling way! I once bought for 50 cents at a yard sale a marred but moving picture of a long table, lavishly set, stretching into an eternal distance. It was captioned at the bottom: "Come, for all things are now ready." It moves me still. Several months ago I was meditating once again on this beloved truth and wrote a trilogy of poems, which I share below. Today is "art day" . . . in this later stage of life God has led me into some new artistic places involving visual art (after 50+ years of sighing, "If only I could draw...."). I also rejoice when it's art day, it's my favorite, but today I will think of it in this new light -- fully living and rejoicing and FEASTING in the midst of the raging war! THANK YOU!

Keep the Feast: An Invitation

1: Invitation from the cross

Whipped and pressed with thorns, his mangled flesh

Hangs loose about him, or clings to his kingly drape.

Stripped naked again, wounds bleed afresh

As his body is molded to match the cross’s shape.

Expelled by heavy gasps, blood pulses out—

Vitality slow drop by slow drop leaks

Or courses down. Thus, there can be no doubt:

His heart’s unequalled love streams down his cheeks.

“It’s finished!” roars the Lion, who now becomes

A sacrificial offering, meek and poor,

And with his dying breath, the Lamb says, “Come,

Today for you I’ve opened heaven’s door.”

With blood like wine, and His body--torn, deceased--

Brothers, sisters, let us keep the feast!

2: Invitation around the table

We’re gathered now around the memory table,

Our hearts are stilled in this moment of recall.

To pay for our sin’s debt we were not able

Even if we could give more than our all.

But One there was so perfect and so pure,

His all was love and infinitely grand;

The ransom price he aptly did secure,

Our quittance is now held in his nail-scarred hand.

But oh! The awful, terrible, monstrous price!

This crust, this cup but paltry souvenirs

Of such unholy suffering, holy sacrifice.

Our tears should fall, hot, plentiful, sincere.

With wine as red as blood, bread without yeast,

Brothers, sisters, let us keep the feast!

3: The final invitation

The Groom, elegant and sure, in splendid light

More stunning than the center of the sun,

Stands waiting--calm, inviting. On this night

With His cherished love He will be joined as one.

The Bride, adorned as well in spotless white—

A glorious garment bought at dreadful price

By her soul’s true love, who for her soul did fight

To the death—now stands awaiting paradise.

Extravagantly laid, heaped with endless delight,

Antithesis to all that’s spare and petty,

A lavish table stretches out of sight.

“Come,” says the Groom, “for all things are now ready!”

With bread, with wine, with joy, with our High Priest,

Brothers, sisters, let us keep the feast!



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A beautiful and very practically helpful communication of the mysteries of the upside down kingdom. Thank you!

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Forever fight the fight and enjoy the feast! These are encouraging words to those of us who are artists. May we write, paint, and perform with new conviction.

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Now comes my cheering...you have pointed people in the right direction. You bring true encouragement in a world trying to force is to cling together by fear mongering. Thank you for hope and a better line of thought. Hope.

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A call, not to arms, but to a table 🔥

This is a very powerful piece. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Very encouraging, as I prepare to teach my middle schoolers and answer church emails as admin. Very moved by your section in the last one about "meaninglessness" creeping in. It is so pervasive! This is an encouragement! Feasting as Christian Fighting against darkness! I'll be chewing on that idea for a while, especially as I try to convince myself to keep writing poetry.

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One pawn. Holding ground. Made for goodness, truth and beauty. Thanks for this word!

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This is such a timely piece, when anxieties are high and so many who say they’ve deconstructed from a certain form of evangelicalism are still living in a state of fight, just for a different kingdom.

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Pleasantly surprised at how encouraging and uplifting that was to read and experience. Thank you.

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Standing in my bean patch and relishing delicious words I will taste for days to come. Thanks so much.

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I am gutted with delight... thanks!

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This is so beautiful and encouraging. I’m not an artist per se, my art is loving my family.. cooking, cleaning, caring. So mundane in today’s world, yet i do feast in my calling and fiercely fend off meaningless ness by gazing upon Christ who laid out this table of hope and glory for those who love Him, and by His grace, it’s also me.

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I am not good with words and this left me with none. Only a deep thank you.

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