Amen, amen! As an 82 year old who is not very creative (at least in the arts), I am slowly becoming aware of the importance of what you say. It has been a big help to encounter Malcolm Guite and what he says about the need for both reason and imagination, with the damage done by a Christian culture that over-emphasizes (almost worships) reason and is in deep need of imagination. I hope those younger than me will not be so slow to appreciate what you are saying and doing.

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Absolutely 100% agree. I'm attempting to launch a literary / arts magazine with a Christian flair in my hometown of Omaha; right now that looks like lots of trips to area coffee shops and mailing free issues to various churches and other organizations which might want to be part of the project. It can indeed be frustrating to see the arts often overlooked amongst Christians, but since, as you say, God himself delights in artistic expression, I'm confident the Christian community will grow in the awareness of the vitality of the arts. I truly appreciate what you've done with Ekstasis even though I've only been reading it for a little over a year, and I look forward to many more years ahead! Thank you!

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As an artist who has struggled with this for ~30 years, thank you. Given that ‘most’ of the arts have been commandeered by the world hostile to Christ, it can be easy to fall into an attitude of “what’s the point?”. Combined with a desire to NOT make inadvertent idols, and the fact that so much of Christian art has been lacking subtlety, sub-text, or sophistication, I’ve let many of my talents lay fallow. Thanks for the kick in the pants.

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Art and therefore artists - are not respected in the church.

It’s not just a “little hobby”.

It a missionary calling.

Art is what contributes to culture by influence. There are often heard laments of how terrible this show is or Hollywood or cultural movements and trends are - and yet offer no support to their brothers and sisters that are gifted and creating christ filled influence. Maybe the culture has shifted so far because christian artists have been pushed to the side and forced to pursue a “real” service?

Artists need encouragement… “I” need encouragement.

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Love the clarity and wisdom of this editorial, Conor, and thankful for the community Ecstatic has cultivated : )

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I think that I'm a poet today because of my exposure to the Rabbit Room community. Dormant for years, until suddenly presented with Christians who were actively pursuing creation.

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Thank you Connor! As an artist in glass and metal public sculpture, I do feel invisible in my church body. I’ve spent many years contributing my time and art where I could at church. But the last ten years have moved into the art circles in my community. I feel more useful and understood there. It’s good, but still feel a loss.

I have appreciated CIVA. Image, NCIVA, and now Ekstasis. Thank you for making the effort and having the vision to encourage the troops.

For 5 years there was Kindlingsfest on Orcas Island in Washington state. Dick Staub was just an amazing facilitator. I met Malcom Guite there, and other heavy hitters in the arts. It has disbanded but it was truly formative for

me. I’m 70 now, still welding and casting glass.

Praise God for the gift of creativity he has given each one of us.

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‘to expand our palates to the overlooked, the strange, the serendipitous, the delightful. ‘ absolutely yes! And all these part of God’s created world often overlooked, He is everywhere and every when. This magazine highlights this and us a delight, plus it has high standards, so we creatives have to step up and grow. Thanks so much

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This is an important piece, Conor, an encouragement to those who are fed by the arts and who love the church. Thanks for writing it.

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Thank you!

“…there’s a quiet cry going up from artists in our pews to have genuine spiritual and aesthetic community…” Yes!

“God has embedded a hunger for beauty in the human spirit.” Yes!

And I am rising from that “quiet cry in the pews” to dare to sing forth by the grace of the source of that Beauty. May all the inspired do likewise.

Thank you for Ecstatic and for Ektasis, and for your ardent faith-with-works, Conor Sweetman.

Was going to include an image, but the box won’t allow it. Will send it separately.

—Lfj Gill

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I’m thankful for CT leading the way in this, with their willingness to publish compelling writing by unknown authors, which will hopefully in turn help them reach a platform big enough to write longer form books and projects.

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Thanks for sharing this. Ekstasis and you specifically Conor have been such encouragement to me. Thankful for you and your voice and perspective in this world.

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Yes yes yes

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Amen! Thanks for your leadership in this space.

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Huh. That's a funny coincidence. I posted this exact rather obscure Dutch still life painting to Twitter just the other night as part of a thread about still-lifes-with-books.

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Happy to bring the amuse-bouches.

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