An amazing piece. Somehow I can never imagine these sorts of things and make the links in my own writing, which tends to run rather pedantic. Thank you for sharing!

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During mating season I heard that crocodiles shiver in the water, creating ripples with their scarred backs. The troubled waters. I am absorbing your meditation and am caught by the image of the Milky Way representing a scar in the heavens, an image of the scars He bore for us. Thank you for this writing.

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That image of shivering crocodiles is haunting. From your language, I’m guessing you’re a poet. If a further creation of your own arises in response to this essay, I’d be honored to see it. Thank you for reading.

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I will most certainly let you know.

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Wow, a powerful piece -I loved the way you wove together your personal story, the crocodile scarring and the scars on the hands of Jesus-just an outstanding essay with real truth and meaning accessible to all. I write, but you have shown me another level that I can aspire to. Thank you!

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This is a beautiful piece of writing, a blessing!

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